Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates


COVID-19 Latest Update: Our physical office location will be temporarly closed until Septmember 21, 2021.

We are mindful of the level of concern that you might have with regards to Coronavirus/COVID-19. As our Business Partner, it is important for us to inform you that Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Cayman Islands will continue to provide coverage for the treatment of the Coronavirus disease.

This means that we will waive the application of any exclusion related to any declared Coronavirus epidemic in our Group and SHIC policies. This waiver applies only for Coronavirus and does not imply a definitive or permanent modification to the conditions of the contracted policy.

The spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19  is creating a very dynamic situation that is rapidly evolving; therefore Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Cayman Islands is monitoring the situation continuously, including closely examining the communications from the Ministry of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports & Culture, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, the Health Insurance Commission, the Cayman Islands Insurance Association and all other relevant authorities and public bodies.

PALIG has implemented its business continuity plan. Out of an abundance of precaution our offices are closed however, we will remain OPEN for business remotely and online. Please note the following information:

Contact Information
Phone: 949.8304
For Pre-Authorization
Phone 949.8304
Life Insurance

Lester Rouse – 345.925.8262 


Premium Payments

Contact Information

New applications:

Claim submissions:

Claims Payments / Reimbursements:

Health Insurance premium payments

FirstCaribbean Bank
A/c Name: Pan American Life Ins. Co. of the C.I.
KYD A/c #: 10458406
USD A/c #: 10458407 

Please send a copy of all premium payments to

Life Insurance and Group Personal Accident premium payments

Scotia Bank
A/c Name: Pan American Int’l Ins. Corporation
KYD A/c #: 400416
USD A/c #: 1813
Transit code: 10785

Please send a copy of all premium payments to