News & Insights

25 Jun 2015

Pan-American Life Insurance Group Hails COPA Airlines’ Direct Flights from New Orleans to Panama

Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG), a leading provider of insurance and financial services throughout the Americas, has welcomed the launch of COPA Airline’s new route, flying directly between New Orleans and Panama City.  

Pan-American Life opened for business in Panama in 1912, a year after we were first founded, and today Panama is the regional hub for all of our international business,” explained José S. Suquet, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of Pan-American Life Insurance Group. “What that centuries-old relationship and this expansion of COPA’s flight network both demonstrate is that there is immense potential for companies in New Orleans and in Panama to develop strong and profitable trade relationships.”

Scott Reitan, Senior Vice President – Administration and Information Technology for Pan-American Life Insurance Group will lead the company’s delegation on the inaugural COPA airlines flight, departing New Orleans today.  PALIG’s support for the new route is in keeping with their ongoing efforts to promote trade between Louisiana and Panama. In 2014, the Group’s Chairman Emeritus, John Kelly, took part in the Louisiana Trade Mission to Panama.

“New Orleans was once center of trade between North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean. We believe that the city is ready to build on that heritage, developing new partnerships with multinational companies across the hemisphere,” Suquet added. “I would strongly encourage U.S.-based companies looking to expand overseas; and international companies looking for a doorway into the United States, to consider New Orleans as the ideal bridge to both worlds.”

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About Pan-American Life Insurance Group

Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG), a leading provider of life, accident and health insurance throughout the Americas, has been delivering trusted financial services since 1911. The New Orleans-based Group is comprised of more than twenty-member companies, employs more than 2,100 worldwide and offers top-rated individual and/or group life, accident and health insurance, employee benefits and financial services in 49 states, the District of Columbia (DC), Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The Group has affiliates and branches in Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and 13 Caribbean markets, including Barbados, Cayman Islands, Curacao and Trinidad and Tobago. For more information, visit the Pan-American Life website at palig.comfollow us on Facebook @PanAmericanLifeTwitter @PanAmericanLifeInstagram @panamericanlife.latam, and connect with us on LinkedIn at Pan-American Life Insurance Group.